Ochre on Canvas Painting Phyllis Thomas of Warmun Art Centre
Size: 450mm x 600mm, Natural Ochre and Pigments
Artist: Phyllis Thomas Booljoonngali
Code: 243-15
“Piccininny Rover Gorge”
Warmun Art Centre is owned and governed by Gija people with 100% of income returning to the community. The centre was established in 1998 by the late founding members of the contemporary painting movement in Warmun such as Rover Thomas, Queenie McKenzie, Madigan Thomas and Hector Jandany. These elders recognised and responded to the need for a community owned and controlled centre through which they could support, maintain, and promote Gija art, language and culture.
Warmun Art is here to celebrate and encourage the expression of Gija culture through the arts, and to support the continued development of innovative contemporary art by both established and emerging Warmun artists.
We strive to facilitate this through developing and maintaining a commercially viable arts enterprise, which provides a diverse range of cultural and economic opportunities for both individuals and the community as a whole.